Terms of Use

  1. Site users are allowed to
    1. Use all the features of the site, do not violate these rules and laws of of Ukraine;
    2. Placing ads in order to sell goods or services to other users of the Site;
    3. Use in ad text hyperlinks.
  2. Users of the Site is prohibited
    1. Are not allowed to publish ads, the content of which violates the generally accepted norms of morality and ethics;
    2. Are not allowed to publish ads, the content of which violates the laws of of Ukraine;
    3. Prohibited from placing ads do not conform to the subject of a section;
    4. It is forbidden to post the same ad twice in one or more sections of the Site;
    5. It is prohibited to advertise, containing a set of key phrases;
    6. Do not insert HTML Ad Code, BB-code and funky characters;
    7. Use of the "hidden" hyperlinks in any form;
    8. It is forbidden to write the title and text in ALL CAPS, a*l*l*o*c*a*t*e a_d_s special characters;
    9. The title and/or brief description of the ads is prohibited to specify phone numbers, emails, addresses of a web sites/pages.
  3. Moderation and remove ads
    1. Moderation (changing content of the announcement)
      1. Use in title, description ads geographical names, CAPS, more than 2 hyperlinks to other resources;
      2. Ads can be moved to another section in the case of non-subjects classifieds section of the site;
      3. Ad text does not match the language section of the site;
      4. In the ad text containing hyperlinks to other resources, for security reasons, make an automatic change of address hyperlink;
      5. Empty fields ads can be automatically filled Translator;
      6. Your ad can be suspended in case of
        1. not meaningful description, or its absence;
        2. if the downloaded images are small or poor quality.
    2. Deleting
      1. The ad can be removed when using the Site to advertise other online resources or stores;
      2. Using the links in the text ads to malicious resources, as well as resources that violation legislation of of Ukraine;
      3. Ad text does not fully match the language section of the site;
      4. In case of repeated violation of the Regulation;
      5. The Ad contains the wrong contact details;
      6. Ad can be removed in case of illegal use of Trade mark (TM) and/or Registered company name (R);
      7. The Ad can be deleted by the administrator on the user's request.
  4. Privacy, security
    1. User passwords are stored in encrypted form, which makes their use impossible, even with physical access to the equipment of the Site;
    2. Personal data are used for identification purposes only and may not be transferred to third parties;
    3. The Site Administration is doing everything possible to protect data from unauthorized use;
    4. Temporary files Cookies, used for your convenience and the correct operation of the Site may be stored on your computer.
Terms of Use v.11Updated on

© 2001-2024 Free Classified Ads of Zdolbunov and of Rivne region in all regions of Ukraine (except temporarily occupied territories). All rights reserved.

Using this website, including the supply of ad means you accept user agreement .

This bulletin board has been working for 15 years on the equipment ordered on the Servers in Ukraine website.

Free Classified Ads of Zdolbunov and of Rivne region